Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse

Most of us are sickened by the thought of elder abuse. However, it happens quite often. The elderly are often considered some of the most valuable people in society. Unfortunately, these people are often abused in nursing homes. Elderly people are usually unable to defend themselves.

There are many different forms of nursing home abuse. However, any type of abuse can be damaging. The elderly population is growing. Many people prefer to put their loved one in the nursing home instead of in an in-home care facility. In fact, it is estimated that 40 percent of people will need to go into the nursing home at some point in their life. Most nursing home abuse cases are not reported.

That is why we have to be vigilant about protecting our loved ones and look out for any signs of abuse. You can also hire a lawyer if you suspect that your loved one has been abused.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Bed sores, broken bones, dehydration, refusal to take medication, bruises and welts are some of the signs of physical abuse. Emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse. However, it can be more difficult to spot the signs of emotional abuse. Some examples of emotional abuse may include threats and yelling.

Financial abuse is another form of abuse. Disappearance of money, unpaid bills and suspicious beneficiaries being added to a life insurance policy are all examples of financial abuse. Sexual abuse in the nursing home is not something that is discussed often. However, it is a fairly common problem. Stained or torn clothing, STDs and injuries to the genital area are signs of sexual abuse.

Dangers of Nursing Home Abuse

It is estimated that around 16 percent of people who are in a nursing home are abused each year. People who are abused have a much higher risk of death. In fact, nursing home patients who are abused are 300 percent more likely to die within the next three years.

What To Do If My Loved One Is Being Abused In A Nursing Home?

It is important to take action if your loved one is being abused. You should contact a personal injury attorney who handles such cases if you believe that your loved one is the victim of abuse. You should also remove your loved one from the nursing home as soon as possible. With our network of dedicated injury attorneys, you can fight the injustice and receive a deserved settlement. Call 1-888-8989 to get started.

Contact us to schedule your free consultation.

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