Shipbreaking Accidents

Once a vessel has outlived its useful life it is often sent to a scrap yard. Shipbreaking is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Workers are often exposed to a variety of hazardous working conditions and environmental toxins. Shipbreaking accidents are not uncommon. However, just because the work is dangerous does not mean you should accept having been injured in an accident. You may have a right to compensation for your injuries. If the shipbreaking accident was caused by the negligence of your employer or a third party, you may be legally entitled to even more damages.

Types and Causes of Shipbreaking Accidents

Types of shipbreaking accidents include:

  • Electrical shock
  • Fires and explosions
  • Toxic leaks and spills
  • Exposure to environmental hazards such as asbestos
  • Slip and falls
  • Equipment failure
  • Falling debris
  • Becoming trapped in the vessel
  • Diving accidents

Many of these shipbreaking accidents are the result of negligence on the part of someone other than the injured worker. Some examples of causes of shipbreaking accidents include:

  • Lack of proper training
  • Failure to warn of hazards
  • Failure to provide appropriate safety equipment
  • Lack of proper safety procedures
  • Defective safety equipment
  • Defective equipment, tools, and components
  • Poorly maintained equipment
  • Lack of adequate safety plan
  • Failure to monitor crew safety

Shipbreaking accidents often are caused by several different factors coming together in an unfortunate way. It is not uncommon for multiple companies to try and shift the blame for an accident on to each other, or back onto the injured worker. If you have been heart in a shipbreaking accident, you need to protect yourself by hiring a maritime injury lawyer. Companies need to be held accountable for accidents or else they will keep happening, putting other people in danger.

Types of Injuries

Some common types of injuries in shipbreaking accidents include:

  • Fractured bones
  • Sprains and sprains
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Crush injuries
  • Burns
  • Chemical burns
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Torn or ripped muscles and ligaments
  • Lacerations
  • Amputations
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Neurological disease
  • Cancers
  • Paralysis
  • Death

Every shipbreaking accident should be considered serious. Even if you do not feel your injuries require immediate medical attention, you should have a medical exam within 72 hours. You may have been exposed to toxins, or have internal injuries that are not yet symptomatic. Having an exam not only helps give you the best chance at getting healthy as quickly as possible, but it also helps you should you need to make an injury claim.

A medical exam will help document important details about the date and nature of the accident in addition to documenting your injuries. Having a medical exam early on can help your personal injury claim.

You should never return to work after a shipbreaking accident if you are not medically cleared to do so. Otherwise, you could be placing yourself and your co-workers in even greater danger.

Making a Claim

Making a claim in a shipbreaking accident requires much more than completing some forms. You will need to prove that you deserve to be fully compensated for your injuries. This will include proving:

  • Someone, such as your employer or third-party contractor, was negligent
  • That their negligence caused your injuries
  • How badly you were injured and how much it affected your quality of life

Most shipbreaking accident claims can be resolved outside of a full trial. However, until the other side is convinced that they stand to lose money if the case is not resolved, they will be unwilling to make you a reasonable settlement offer.

A maritime injury lawyer can help you by evaluating your claim and gathering all the key evidence you will need to succeed in your claim. They know how to put together a formal demand for compensation, where to file a claim, and how to make sure your legal interests are protected.

There are strict time limits on when you can bring an injury claim. If you miss a deadline you may lose your right to collect anything. In the case of wrongful death lawsuits, the time limits may be even shorter.

Shipbreaking accident injury claims are complex. You need someone who understands this area of law to help protect your rights. It can be overwhelming to find the right lawyer for your case. We want to help. When you contact us we will help connect you with an experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable maritime injury lawyer with a strong record in shipbreaking accident cases. Don’t miss out on the money you deserve. Time may be running out for your claim. Don’t delay anymore. Let us help you find the right lawyer to evaluate your case.

Contact us to schedule your free consultation.

After personal injury

18 East Broadway
Manhattan, NY 10002